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Learn How to Ask for Client Referrals

Jun 01, 2024


Congrats - you're a trainer and now you have clients but how do you get more? You get referrals and reviews!

The two best ways to ask a personal training client for a referral, which we use at Show Up Fitness, are:

A—take your client out to lunch/dinner/happy hour

B—give a free session in exchange for a client lead. 

Here's how these scenarios should transpire.
Scenario A

Coffee would suffice, but if you want high-paying clients, take them to a nice restaurant or happy hour (my favorite spot - FIG). Celebrate your clients' wins by getting them to talk about the results they have received while working with you. Maybe make sure timing is on your side and when their next training package is due for renewal, let them know you’d like to take them out for a celebratory lunch / happy hour/dinner (use your best judgment.) While the two of you are enjoying the ambiance, let the client know the goals that you’re working towards (e.g. getting to full-time, growing streams of revenue, etc.). Pending the scenario is right you can ask them if they know of a coworker or friend who would be interested in achieving similar success, then together you can rainstorm the best methods for a warm introduction (I personally prefer a group text).

The potential client can either come in with the client for a workout, by themselves, or have a less intimidating encounter such as the following client appreciation happy hour. If you sign the client up, give the referring client a commission (think 10-15% or free session) and thank them!

Scenario B

Tell your client you want to celebrate their success by offering a FREE training session on a specific day. Tell them the session is typically X, but you are comping it because they’ve done so well. During the session, discuss your SWIFT Goals and let the client know you are seeking 1-2 clients who can fill in 2-4 days per week.

Ask them if they’d be willing to assist you with finding someone. Maybe they’d be willing to offer a free wellness hour at their work where you SHOW UP and educate their coworkers on posture, pain management, and corrective exercises (choose your specialty). Part of the deal is if you can get someone to fill the time slots you seek, you will continue to train them 1x per week for FREE in exchange for the help. This, my friends, is finding your MAVEN. Learn more about finding your MAVEN in my book, How to Become A Successful Personal Trainer Vol. 2.

How NOT to ask for a referral: 
Below is how you should never ask for a referral. When you come to the end of a session, do not ask"If you know of anyone who'd like to train with me, umm, ahhh, maybe, you can let me know!"

Why does this not work?This passive approach is one of the many reasons why 90% of textbook trainers quit within 12 months. If you want to become a SUCCESSFUL personal trainer, Show Up Fitness CPT has helped thousands of certified personal trainers level up their careers in fitness.

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WE GUARANTEE you’ll learn more in 2-weeks than ANY level 0 textbook certification. All you have to do is SHOW UP!

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