How to become a Successful Personal Trainer Real Life Story: Joesph Knowlton

Meet Joe! A SUF-CPT who is now a trainer/manager at Lifetime Fitness in Roseville, Sacramento, CA. Joe and I met over 2-years ago and I helped him save over $2,500 by getting a refund for his Level 0 textbook certification. He found SUF when he came across this NASM VIDEO of me drinking whiskey and helping people pass the 7th edition NASM CPT and thought - "I need to meet this guy"
Joe’s common sense encouraged him to reach out to SUF, and serendipitously, we were having our two-day seminar in Oakland shortly thereafter. Joe SHOWED UP and learned how easy it is to program by implementing the CCA (core, core, accessory), networked with other trainers, gained supervised experience, and learned how to sell. In two days, Joe learned more than any Level 0 textbook certification.
Certified with his SUF-CPT, Joe was ready to gain experience. He submitted his resume and was called in for the initial interview at Villa Sport. After interview number 1, Joe was informed he needed to gain MORE experience before they would consider hiring him.
He didn't get the job.
Being a SMART trainer, Joe decided to attend another weekend seminar, so he came to Los Angeles to learn from Luke Worthington and Show Up Fitness. In chatting with me (Chris) and letting me know what happened at Villa Sport, I instructed him to, "email the manager and tell him you'd like to take him through the practical interview portion. In the worst case scenario, if he doesn't like it, you'll pay him his hourly rate as compensation for his time." Knowing the industry I knew the manager would accept the challenge and Joe was given the job after the extraordinary practical portion of implementing CCA.
On DAY ONE at Villa, Joe approached a client on the floor who was battling knee pain. He showed him the Prehab Guys app and helped the gentleman with his pain management. Joe went on to sell in a training package worth $2,000.
Want to learn how to get access to the Prehab App? Email to save $50.
As Show Up Fitness highlights, the main difference between Level 0 and Level 1 personal trainers is being QUALIFIED- 90% of textbook level 0 trainers quit within 12 months. So, Joe continued his education by attending a John Rusin PPSC weekend seminar. Joe was surrounded by like-minded trainers, with one who worked at Lifetime in Roseville. This trainer connected Joe with the PTM (personal training manager), Nick, who has over 15 years of experience. Joe took him through the practical portion and was hired immediately with a handshake, stating, "that was the top 3 best practical interviews I've ever been a part of."
Fast forward 14 months, Joe is the Assistant Personal Training Manager and Top 2 of personal trainers at Lifetime Roseville, making six figures.
If you want to become a SUCCESSFUL personal trainer, SUF-CPT has a 14-day FREE trial with weekend seminars at Lifetime Fitness, a 2-month in-person internship in San Diego & Los Angeles, and online with live calls and access to fitness professionals.
Listen to Joe on the BEST fitness podcast here - The Show Up Fitness Podcast