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How to pass NASM in 30-days: OPT model breakdown 7th edition textbook 2023

Dec 08, 2022


how to pass NASM in 30-days:

opt model breakdown

7th edition textbook 2023

Show Up Fitness has helped over 3,000 people pass NASM-CPT with the most common question afterwards being&.

The goal with our NASM Study Guide, tutoring sessions and weekly calls are to help you pass the NASM-CPT in less than 30-days. If you failed the NASM test, you are not a failure, you're just like everyone else who sucks at taking standardized tests. Don't you want to become a qualified trainer, who knows how to program, understand anatomy and helps your clients achieve their goals? That's what Show UP Fitness – CPT does. If you can't get a refund from NASM or ACE or ISSA bundle within 28-days from your purchase, we can get you to pass NASM/ACE/ISSA in less than 30-days! Sign Up here for our Guide & Map on how to pass NASM, if you want tutoring, your first 30-minute session is only $30!

PHASE 1 (Stabilization Endurance) OPT MODEL:

REPS – 12-20 SETS 1-3 TEMPO 4-2-1-1 INTENSITY 50-70%


FLEXIBILITY – Foam Roll or DIE – 30-sec hold & Static Stretch 30-sec hold.

CORE: Prone Iso Ab (Planks), Ball Cobra, Ball bridge.

BALANCE: Single-leg balance reach (stabilization), Single let squat (strength), Multi-planar hop (power)

PLYOMETRIC: 3-5 s hold on landing – Multiplanar Jump w/Stabilization, Tuck Jump (strength), Ice Skaters (Power)

RESISTANCE: Stability ball squat curl press (stabilization), Squat into Step-up (phase 2), Squat (strength), Jump into Squat (power)

PHASE 2 (Strength Endurance) OPT MODEL:

All you need to know is that phase 2 is a super set. According to NASM that means two exercises back-to-back engaging the same muscle group I.e. Bench Press (strength) into a push-up (stabilization.)

PHASE 3 (Muscular Development Training aka hypertrophy)

REPS – 6-12 SETS – 3-6 TEMPO – 2-0-2-0 INTENSITY – 75-85%


FLEXIBILITY – Foam Roll or DIE & Active Isolate stretches 1-2 second holds

CORE: Ball Crunch Stability ball crunch (strength), Floor Crunch, Cable Rotation (triple extension back leg)

BALANCE: Single let squat (strength), Single-Leg RDL, Multiplanar step-up to Balance.

PLYOMETRIC: Tuck Jump, Power Step-up, Repeat Box Jumps.

RESISTANCE: Squats, RDL's, Bench Press, Pull-ups, Military Press.

PHASE 4 (Maximal Strength)

REPS – 1-5 SETS – 4-6 TEMPO – x-x-x-x EXPLOSIVE INTENSITY – 85-100%. REST – 2-4 minutes


FLEXIBILITY – Foam Roll or DIE & Active Isolate stretches 1-2 second holds

CORE: Ball Crunch Stability ball crunch (strength), Floor Crunch, Cable Rotation (triple extension back leg)

BALANCE: Single let squat (strength), Single-Leg RDL, Multiplanar step-up to Balance.

PLYOMETRIC: Tuck Jump, Power Step-up, Repeat Box Jumps.

RESISTANCE: Squats, RDL's, Bench Press, Pull-ups, Military Press.

PHASE 5 (power training)

SUPER SETS: REPS 1-5 first; 1-10 next- SETS – 3-5 TEMPO x-x-x-x INTENSITY – 85-100% first; 30-45% OR 10% of body weight second. REST – 2-5 minutes

EXERCISE EXAMPLES FOR NASM-CPT: Bench press into plyo push-ups / Squats into jumps / Pull-ups into ball slams.

FLEXIBILITY – Foam Roll or DIE & Active Isolate stretches 1-2 second holds

CORE: Ball Crunch Stability ball crunch (strength), Floor Crunch, Cable Rotation (triple extension back leg)

BALANCE: Single let squat (strength), Single-Leg RDL, Multiplanar step-up to Balance.

PLYOMETRIC: Tuck Jump, Power Step-up, Repeat Box Jumps.

RESISTANCE: Squats, RDL's, Bench Press, Pull-ups, Military Press.

Sample NASM Test questions:

1. What is the most common plane of motion that people tend to train in?

a. Sagittal b) Frontal c) Transverse d) Coronal

2. Which of the following is the main purpose of phase 1 stabilization?

a. Hypertrophy c. Improve imbalances & techniques

b. increase prime mover strength d. Improve rate of force production

3. What is an example of a superset in phase 2 of the OPT-model?

a. Bench Press into a Chin-up

b. Bench Press into a Chest Fly

c. Bench Press into a Med Ball Throw

d. Bench Press into a Push-up

4. What is an example of a superset in phase 5 of the OPT-model?

a. Bench Press into a Chin-up

b. Bench Press into a Chest Fly

c. Bench Press into a Med Ball Throw

d. Bench Press into a Push-up

5. Which phase of the OPT model is common for Strongman competitions and football linemen?

a. Phase 1

b. Phase 2

c. Phase 3

d. Phase 4

Need a tutor to pass nasm?

Show Up Fitness has private & small group tutoring sessions that will help you pass NASM-CPT in less than 30-days. NASM tutoring help is only $40 for 30-minutes, $75 for one hour (1-1 on zoom) and we also have small group tutoring sessions for $15-for 30-minutes or $25 for an hour. Schedule your tutoring session today by emailing with the subject NASM or ACE tutor help!

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