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How to Create a Show Up Mentality

Oct 19, 2019


How to Create a Show Up Mentality

The motto of Show Up Fitness (outside of #beltbuckletuesday) is “90% of success is showing up.” All of our trainers and even clients understand it's tough to get into the habit of showing up for yourself and your body everyday, but we still do it. In this blog I want to discuss how to create a show up mentality and MAINTAIN it.

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The reality is we all have excuses. Some days, we are too tired, other days we are just being lazy and don't want to do the things we know we should do. So, how do you overcome this lackadaisical mentality and show up for yourself and your body every single day? The simple answer is you just do it.

I can feel you rolling your eyes from here.

But the only way a new habit is formed is by doing the action everyday, ideally around the same time everyday for 66 days. This is the average amount of time that a new habit will take to form and stick.

Creating a “Show Up Mentality” does not mean that you need to go to the gym for 66 days straight because your body may not need that. Rather, you may need to learn to re-frame your thoughts and therefore actions on a daily basis. If everyday you are creating excuses as to why you can't do one thing or the other, it may be time to look at why you are making excuses.

The Show Up Mentality is the idea that we all have things that could keep us from our goal, but rather than make an excuse, we show up and put in the work. So, if you catch yourself constantly making excuses on why things are hard or cannot be done, each time you find yourself doing this, you need to re-frame your thoughts to think about the task at hand in a positive manner. In order to make sure this habit and new mentality works, you need to be consistently reframing your thoughts for 66 days straight. And once the 66 days are up, I guarantee that you will have seen some level of improvement in your attitude and your daily life.

For more ways to create a Show Up Mentality and continue to put your best foot forward, follow us here. If you are struggling with maintaining a Show Up Mentality and are looking for some support, send us a direct message or email. We are always looking for ways to connect and work with our local community!

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