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HELP NICK (ENERGY) - How To Become A Successful Personal trainer

Nov 02, 2018


HELP NICK (Energy)

To Become A Successful Personal Trainer, you don't need to be a cracked-out version of Ben Stiller in Dodgeball, or my personal favorite, Heavyweights&

You need to have 10% more energy than the client that you're about to train. Some clients may require you to be slighter more energetic than a church mouse, while others may need you to be fired up (enter favorite caffeinated beverage or three.) More importantly, your last client of the day shouldn't be penalized because you've trained ten clients prior to them SHOWING UP! To be successful, you need to learn how to read your clients and the atmosphere that you're in. If a client is intimidated by the gym, you should be able to observe their body language, temperament, and energy. If you're training at the Silicon Valley Equinox (known for having a large clientele of retired folk) maybe you shouldn't SHOWIN UP like Ric Flair vs Hulk Hogan Bash at the Beach.


If you're a great trainer you should be able to keep your clients for many years. Be a chameleon and learn how to read people will help you remain in the industry for many years to come (the average trainer quits within 6-months.) I disagree when trainers say you're doing clients a disservice if you continue to train them after 6-9 months- they should be able to do it by themselves. Professional athletes, trainers and you and I need trainers because we stay in our comfort zone when lifting weights. There's nothing that can replace a fired-up trainer saying, β€œLET'S GOOOOO, YOU GOT THIS, THREE MORE REPS!” We're all guilty of stopping by ourselves, but with a trainer, you'll push beyond your limits.

Be conscious of your environment, give each session 110%, and have more energy than your clients. If this video by Todd Durkin doesn't give you goosebumps with his 110% energy, I don't know what will!

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