5-years ago I wrote this blog post, “What is the worst piece of equipment in any gym?”
The post sucks, but to date, it's still my favorite one EVER. Why? On November 20th, 2011, I decided to go out of my comfort zone and do something that I was unsure of- write. I wasn't a writer back then, nor am I one today, BUT I continue to practice and improve. If you ain’t learning and growing, you’re dying. I thoroughly enjoy writing. It allows me to be me. I can say whatever the hell I want e.g. magical poop-stain. I vent about shitty students and clients. I’m vulgar (hence my books title, The Vulgar Truth Diet: Fat Loss II.) I love to laugh at my own corny jokes and make fun of myself- the whole process It's liberating. I'm still evolving and trying to decipher between a comma, semicolon, and eliminate the use of fillers e.g. JUST.
Throughout the years, I've been ridiculed and lambasted that these words will never amount to much. The negativity continues to amount, but as one of my favorite sayings goes, “2-Legit 2- Quit.” Wait a second, that’s not it, I meant, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Why do we choose the path of least resistance by being sooooooooooooooooooo negative (that’s 19 o’s)? It's easy to talk shit about people. It's difficult to acknowledge bravery. Look at exercise. People are still trying to find the quick fix- IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! It takes hard word and SHOWING UP regularly. 30-days from now YOU WILL NOT BE IN THE BEST SHAPE OF YOUR LIFE. There's NO 20-minute workout that'll reverse the years of eating poorly in a hypercaloric surplus. Don't let this imprison your POWERFUL mind. Use this as motivation to spend the next 180-360-days (that's 6-12 months) to become a better, and healthier person.
I still remember moving down to Santa Monica, most people discouraged the move. I thank the naysayers. You've encouraged me to continue to grow and challenge myself to be a better person. There's always going to be that negative butt-tard who's trying to take you down. USE THAT NEGATIVE ENERGY TO GET FIRED UP!
Take a minute to read the article. I almost deleted it last night when I was reviewing our NEW WEBSITE (THANKS AGAIN DANIELLE, YOU'RE A SAINT AND ROCKSTAR!) After much embarrassment, I decided to write this blog post about it. My mindset has changed significantly from 5-years ago. I rarely hate on any exercises (minus pretty much anything using a stability ball- maybe this mindset will change in the next 5-years?) Abductor and Adductor machines are FINE if they're implemented properly. If you want to use these pieces of equipment, save them as an accessory or do at the end of the workout because their single-jointed movements. I've dubbed these exercises “FLUFF”, as they make the client happy, but don't do too much. So if you want to use these exercises to make you feel better, have at it. Let me help you put them into the right context&.
Machine Workout: Hack Squat 3 x 6 (rest 3-minutes), Leg Press 3 x 10 (rest 2-minutes), Leg Extensions into Leg Curls 3 x 15 (rest 1-minute), END WITH Abductions and Adductions 2 x 25 (NO REST)
Free Weight Workout: Hip Thrust 3 x 6 (rest 3-minutes), Squats 3 x 10 (rest 2-minutes), Lunges 3 x 15 (rest 1-minute), END WITH Abductions and Adductions 2 x 25 (NO REST)
In the last 5-years, I've grown as a writer, teacher, trainer, son, and friend. I challenge you to do the same. Workout SMARTER, not HARDER. Continue to learn from your mistakes and GROW. Help others. Smile more. And who gives a rat's ass about what anyone thinks about you- SHOW UP AND DO YOU!